Monday, December 2, 2019

Get an Idea of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Patches

Brazilian jiu-jitsu is amongst the most popular methods of martial arts currently. The use of BJJ patches is one thing that makes this form of martial arts unique. The patches have been used to display the place where the participants get their training. It also gives other information about the participant. However, before you Buy BJJ Patches for Yourself, it is important to recognize the basic rules to ensure that you do not break any of them.

Make of the Patches

The first important thing to consider about the Brazilian jiu-jitsu gi patches is the way they are created. In most instances, the patches are made using the cotton material and hence it is necessary to keep them in good condition. There may also be limitations on the colors that can be used in patches. When purchasing any BJJ patches, it is important to speak to your club about whether there are any particular color requirements or the design of any patches that they use.

Verify with the club rules

Each Brazilian jiu-jitsu gi club has its own rules and regulations when it comes to the BJJ patches. Some of the practice facilities limit the uniforms only to those who are approved by the association or have the emblem of the club. Some clubs restrict the number of patches that one can use, although they do not restrict which ones a member can use. Whereas, there are a few clubs that allow you to add as much as you want. Also, make sure you understand the laws of your club before adding the BJJ patches.


If you are doing BJJ in some other location, then remove the BJJ patch of your native location. It can have a negative impact on a person’s performance. It is because every location has different rules to be followed and hence it is better to get a new one from the new location.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Did You Know These Amazing Facts About Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?

Brazilian jiu-jitsu does not have one but numerous reasons to why it is one of the top martial arts in the world. There is hardly any versatile and self-defensive martial arts like it. But did you know these amazing facts about Brazilian jiu-Jitsu patches? Continue reading to find out.
If you are looking for BJJ patches manufacturer for high quality and various types of patches, visit Website. 

1.    The origin of jiu-jitsu
Historians argue that jiu-jitsu was formulated by Buddhist monks of India, but its modern form comes from Japan, where it was practiced by Samurais of Japan as the battlefield art. Jiu-jitsu is a Japanese word where ‘jiu’ means ‘gentleness’ and ‘jitsu’ means ‘art’, meaning ‘gentle art.’

2.    The coming of Brazilian jiu-jitsu
BJJ started in the 90s and is known to be founded by Esai Maeda. Modern BJJ’s major faces are Helio Gracie and Carlos Gracie. Compared to original jiu-jitsu, BJJ is more of a combat sport that consists of various standing and majorly ground-fighting techniques. 

3.    Facts related to practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu
Unlike other forms of martial arts that focuses on the idea of self-offense, Brazilian jiu-jitsu is based on self-defense. It takes up to 8-13 years to completely master the art. There are around 5000 black belts in BJJ, which is very low compared to other martial arts.

It can be easily adopted by men, women, and kids. People with small stature can practice BJJ for great self-defense.

4.    When Brazilian jiu-jitsu became famous
Brazilian jiu-jitsu got into the notice of everybody when the Gracie family brought Brazilian jiu-jitsu to the international stage of Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) where they showcased BJJ against other popular martial arts.

5.    Brazilian jiu-jitsu federations
The first BJJ federation was Jiu-Jitsu Federation of Guanabara. Today, the two most recognized federations for BJJ are Sport Jiu-Jitsu Internation Federation and the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation. Both hold numerous tournaments round the year.
You are surely now more mesmerized by the greatness of Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Are you practicing BJJ or are you a group of BJJ martial artists? Get for yourself high-quality BJJ patches from the leading BJJ patches.

Friday, June 28, 2019

4 Things To Keep in Mind While Buying Your First Ever Jiu-Jitsu Gi

Are you in search of your first ever Gi?
Gis have certainly evolved quite a lot since the nineties and now you have a wide variety to select from.
Picking the right one is extremely crucial, as you obviously don’t want to face any setbacks while it is on.
Don’t worry! Here are some important pointers to keep in mind while selecting your first every Jiu-Jitsu Gi. 

1. The correct size

You cannot afford an incorrect size, especially when you’re practicing Jiu-Jitsu.

Skip the guessing game and make sure to check the size chart for the right fit. Gis that are too small or big can interfere with your performance.

Here are some recommendations according to age and height.

                M00: under 3 years                                      
                M0: under 5 years   
                M1: under 7 years   
                M2: under 9 years   
                M3: under 11 years       
                JR: under 13 years
               A1: under 1.70m (5’8”)   
               A2: under 1.80m (5’9”)   
               A3: under 1.90m (6’2”)       
               A4: under 2.0m (under 6’6”)   
               A5: over 2m (over 6’6”)

 2. Material

Mostly, Gis are made up of cotton. However, some brands use natural and artificial materials such as hemp and polyester.

It is advised to go for cotton, as it is durable, hypoallergenic, and thin enough to play the sport comfortably.

3. Gi color and patches

Associations like IBJJF have very stringent rules when it comes to uniform requirements.

Colors permissible: white, royal blue, and black. Gis with the top and pant of different colors and Gis with collar color different from that of the top are against the stated rules.

Embroidered Jiu-Jitsu patches can be affixed in only certain regions of the Gi. Go for cotton patches that are properly seamed.

Unsealed patches placed in unauthorized regions will be removed by the Gi inspectors.

4. Belt requirements

Athletes are required to use a 4 to 5 centimeter wide belt, which is according to the rank. It should be worn over the top, wrapped twice around the waist, and put into a double knot, tight enough to hold the Gi top closed.
Get Custom BJJ Patches from in accordance with the association protocols.
High-quality embroidered Jiu-Jitsu patches made to your exact specifications and requirements in 7 to 10 days of production time.
No professional artwork needed. The team can create your order from a simple sketch or even an idea.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

5 Easy Ways to Apply Embroidered Patches to Garments Yourself

The quirky pattern, bright colors, and the stand out shapes of  BJJ patches just add a different edge to the clothing piece.
But the way you apply the patch to the garment decides how it will turn out. The patch should be protruding but it should not be falling out. It should look like it is a part of the clothing piece but distinctive.
Many of us aren’t sure of what method to use when applying an embroidered patch to a garment. There are some techniques well suited than the others. Here we have 5 ways to apply embroidered patches to your garments. 

 1. Sew it on
This is the traditional and most commonly used methods. It keeps the patch on the garment come what may. You can use contrasting colored thread or yarn to apply the patch. This will add to its texture and enhance the shape. If you want the sewing thread to not be visible, then you can use a similar color as the patch boundary. 

2. Heat seal backing
Embroidered patches are usually large. You can find them in all sorts of shapes. When applying, you need to make sure that the shape stays the same on the garment. Heat seal backing method consists of applying a sealant on the back of the patch.

This holds the patch shape and is also serves the purpose of glue when applied to the garment with heat. You need no sewing thread and other stuff to stick the patch. However, this method isn’t highly durable. Rigorous washing can result in the patch coming off.

3. Heat seal and sew
For fully embroidered patches, the best way is to do both - heat seal and sew. Heat-seal retains the shape and structure and the sew keeps the patch stuck to the fabric.

4. Applique Embroidery Sewing
Applique embroidery sewing is one of the best ways for sportswear, club uniforms, or performance wear. It applies the patch with a clean and professional finish.

5. Glue
Stick back glue works decently for woven and temporary patches. It comes with a peal sticker on the back, which can be easily applied. Ideal for promotional events when you need the patch for a duration of 3 to 4 hours.
Have you got your embroidered BJJ patches ready to be applied?
Head to BJJ Patches for the finest and trendiest collection of custom-made patches. You can find here embroidered, woven, and dye sublimation patches. From design to implementation, the team takes care of everything.
You receive a free pre-production sample for a check before final production can begin.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Embroidered BJJ patches

                  Make Your Patches Last Long With 
              These 5 Easy Maintenance Tips 

Whenever it comes to fashion, styling, and accessorizing, there is one thing from the 60’s that always takes the first spot. Embroidery patches were invented as an identification tool for the military and soon it became a fashion statement. Hippies started embellishing second-hand military uniforms with colorful patches and in the 80’s, these became a fashion essential. Do you love wearing patches hippie style or heavy metal style or even to achieve the crust punk look? As much as you love hoarding them, you should also know the ways of taking care of these. Are you wondering about how to maintain the patches? 

Here we have got for you some easy maintenance tips.  

1. How to wash patches:
                                                                     Don’t wash the patches in a washing machine, as it can get pretty rough. You can hand wash them and let them air dry. If you have the patch on any garment, then turn it inside out while washing. The rubbing and agitation can damage the intricate embroidery on the patch.

2. How to iron the patches:
                                                                             There isn’t any need to iron the patches, as they are already stiff and clear. Ironing them will not make any difference. If you feel the need, then remember to use a pressing cloth between the iron and embroidery. This will help prevent tearing of the threads, flattening of the shape and design, and melting of the threads, which ruins the look of the patch.

3. How to store the patches:
                                                    The best way to store patches is on a custom patch panel. The panel is made up of the rough side of the Velcro, so the patches will be able to hold to it. This way you can use the patches with different clothes to create a new OOTD every day.

4.Should I use cold water to wash:
                                                             Yes, use only cold water to wash the patches. Heat can loosen the patches from the garment. And if by mistake you did use hot water, you should re-iron the embroidered BJJ patches on the garment again.

5.How to remove stains:
                                           If your patch has any stains, then do spot cleaning to get rid of them. These can be treated using cotton dab dipped in rust remover. Dab it on the spot and soak again. Rinse the garment thoroughly to make sure that the cleaning solution has been removed. Remember to soak and not scrub.

Life becomes pretty easy when you have good quality Embroidered BJJ patches. You can give a pop of style to any outfit with a rocking patch. BJJ Patches is your one-stop store for custom made patches for uniforms, school, special events, or organization. You can find here embroidered, printed, and even woven patches. The team can easily create patches by referring to a digital or scanned image or if you have a sample patch with you. The production is high quality and we are sure you won’t be disappointed.